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The Reporting Process

November 2, 2022 / By Antonia Constantin

We all remember as children getting our end of the year reports. Some were positive, some were showing signs of failure and occasionally some were read by us and our parents as pure disaster.  Reports could lift you up or bring you down. That is how we perceived their importance, as good news or bad

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JML – an IT toy story

March 4, 2022 / By Antonia Constantin

And isn’t it great to see that various IT departments have their act together? Empowering new starters to be productive from day one! This touchpoint between the HR and IT asset lifecycle is not the only one to be managed. Of course, there are also the posts that represent the flipside of the shiny new

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Software Removal Process

January 28, 2022 / By Kylie Fowler

Software Recycling Process’ goal: To uninstall software with a view to reusing it at a later date; Software Removal Process’ goal: To uninstall software with a view to NEVER using this title ever again. The consequences of removing a software title from our IT estate cascades a series of activities that we wouldn’t adopt if we were

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ITAM and cyber security – let’s chat

December 7, 2021 / By Kylie Fowler

KF: Tell me who you are and what you do… and how did you get into cyber and where you are now? ND: I’m Nick Drage, and I’m currently a “cybersecurity strategist” of a sort, but spending time in game design as well. My career has been very unplanned, evolving through system and network administration

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The Licence Pool Management Process

November 23, 2021 / By Rory Canavan

As a student, one of the better pieces of advice I received was “Don’t shop hungry” – the temptation being to overload a shopping trolley with everything that tingled my taste buds. Procurement around SAM and licensing could do worse than follow this guidance too. Contracts might stipulate that certain purchase quantities must be achieved

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A Code of Conduct for Software Audits

November 2, 2021 / By Kylie Fowler

In response to the tensions and inconsistencies in the audit process, we have authored a draft Code of Conduct for Software Audits (“The Code”), which aims to capture and document reasonable market practice in software auditing, as currently no such document exists.

Do you really need an ITAM policy?

October 15, 2021 / By Kylie Fowler

However, because ITAM outcomes are achieved through the interaction of processes performed by a large number of stakeholders such as technology teams, procurement and end users, each of these groups are likely to have their own policy which they align to and may not welcome an additional policy that deals specifically with ITAM. Getting agreement

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What you should know about the Software Deployment Process

August 24, 2021 / By Rory Canavan

Do you have what it takes to survive the  Bermuda Triangle of SAM? We’ve all experienced it, even though we might not recognise the name! This month we’re doing a deep dive into another corner of the triangle – the software deployment process. The Bermuda Triangle of SAM is that gap between request, procurement and deployment

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